Friday, April 10, 2009

Dancing with the Good Male Shirtlessness

I am not a fan of reality television because I think it promotes poor values (like do whatever you have to do to beat the next person down so that you can win a million dollars) and takes away work from trained actors and writers, but I really can't help myself when it comes to this season of "Dancing with the Stars." Why? You ask. Take a look at what is going on above. Gilles Marini is definitely a contender for IMS Official Poster Boy 2009. First of all, he gives amazing shirtlessness. Second, he has that delicious French accent which he uses in full, polite, and gracious sentences. Third, the man can really dance. This "Sex and the City" hunk is the real deal, and I want him to win! Not just because he is technically superior and follows the ultimate rule in ballroom to make his partner look good, but because he seems to be helping the IMS cause by either ripping off his shirt in every routine or beginning the dance with no shirt at all. Bravo Gilles! IMS applauds you!

I can't really think of anything else to say because I just want to stare at his picture. If I ever get to be another show again, he will be my show boyfriend for sure. Just cross your fingers that the run is long! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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