Friday, October 16, 2009

Shirtlessness for Bailey

I worked on a fundraiser for the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center last night which presented an award to President Bill Clinton, and so I am not really up to date on my shirtlessness. However, when setting my VCR (yes, I still use videotape) I noticed that Bailey, played by the lovely and talented Chandra Wilson, was doing a guest spot on "Private Practice" which involved kissing Taye Diggs. I have lost my patience with PP because of the absurd nature of their medical office and the lack of anyone taking their shirt off, but I did tape last night's episode because I am all for Bailey getting some good male shirtlessness. So the above post is in hopes that a strong career woman with integrity gets some good lovin' because she deserves it!

The good news from last night is that ADARC raised a lot of money for AIDS research. This organization is really an amazing leader in the field, and I was very honored to be part of the event. Unfortunately, I was moving gift bags when President Clinton was speaking and did not get to hear very much of his speech. But he did say hi to me. The bit of his speech that I did hear impressed upon me the need for better health care throughout the world because the majority of people dying from this terrible disease die not because of the expense of the treatment but rather the lack of a system to monitor it. Hanging around with a bunch of scientists who save people's lives put the shirtlessness in perspective. Good male shirtlessness is nice to have around, but creating functioning health care systems for the people of the world is crucial.

So along with advocating for shirtlessness, perhaps we can all take a little time to advocate for health care. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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