Friday, December 4, 2009

Fantasy Shirtlessness

I obviously could not force myself to record the two-hour Private Practice "event" that kicked GA off the air last night for various reasons, not the least of which was the commercial promising a storyline in which Addison's father sleeps with her friend. I remember that clunker from an Ally McBeal, and it was not appealing, shirtlessness or no. So instead I give you a fantasy sequence from a happier time on GA, when George was alive and all the attendings got along. I hope you will enjoy. This is also my payback for the amount of gratuitous girl-on-girl action tailored to the straight male gaze that we have been seeing on network television of late.

Actually, my writers' lab had a holiday dinner last night, and a group of female writers pondered good shirtlessness for a while and the accessories that make good shirtlessness great. We came up with the ability to vacuum, do the dishes, make sensible conversation, and massage. After watching this video, I'd like to add scrubbing my back in the shower. All these are excellent additions to good male shirtlessness, and I'd like to see more work done on these fronts by IMS in the coming year along with our continued dedication to preserving the two-point standard.

Our work is never done at IMS, but we must go on. In this holiday season, I urge you to remain true to the cause as I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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