Monday, February 8, 2010

Who Dat Shirtless Guy?

Loathe as I am to encourage poor spelling or the misuse of the English language, I can't help but adopt this colloquial usage on the day after the Superbowl won by the Saints. I don't really follow football since being from Buffalo means that football died for me in 1994 when the Bills lost their 4th consecutive Superbowl attempt, but something about the New Orleans Saints winning the game warmed my heart. The Buffalonian in me rejoices in the win of the underdog, and I'm happy that something good is going on in the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina. In honor of the win, I give you Reggie Bush whose shirtless physique is so strong that he can actually squoosh a football in his right hand as demonstrated in the photo.

I did not actually watch the Superbowl because I was working on an event for Edible Schoolyard, a non-profit organization that promotes better nutrition in public schools by building gardens where children can grown their own food. I can't help but think that if better nutrition were promoted from a young age, there would be much more good shirtlessness all around us. Not to mention the cost of health insurance might be contained since fitness not only supports good shirtlessness but good health. While IMS might seem like a frivolous cause in these dark days of wars and deficits, I assure you we are promoting good shirtlessness for the greater good!

I was surprised that there were no new episodes last night only because I feel like the DH and B&S viewership are not really the target audience of the Superbowl. There were new episodes during the Golden Globes which would ostensibly have more crossover, but alas, nothing should compete with the Superbowl. I did come home and watch a re-run from "Modern Family" which made up for its lack of shirtlessness with wit. I might have to start watching that show, if only to comfort myself that there are more dysfunctional families than my own. In the meantime, I am bracing myself for more freezing cold weather here in the Northeast and the possibility that there will be no new shirtlessness for a long time. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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