Monday, March 1, 2010

Brand New Shirtlessness

Recently, a friend and new IMS member admitted that her new celebrity crush was a certain Michael Fassbender, and my first question to her was, "Does he give good shirtlessness?" A quick google search this morning has revealed the answer is yes. She insists that he is an amazing actor, and I am happy to report that he seems to be quite willing to take his shirt off in the name of art. I love dedicated actors!

Last night, my best laid plans of watching my shows were thwarted by some unexpected technical difficulties. I flew upstate to visit my grandmother this weekend because she has moved into a new facility and seems to be in need of some filial attention. I booked my return flight to coincide with the shows because the airline features private televisions in every seat. I figured I would watch my shows on the plane. Sadly, after boarding, I discovered that the only channel that JetBlue does not have in its impressive roster of entertainment options is ABC. And so I watched an episode of "16 and Pregnant" which was totally terrifying and came home to watch my taped episodes. But alas, a 24 hour trip to Buffalo did wear me out, and I only made it through DH. I saw that B&S showed a lot of promise by beginning with a shirtless Gilles, but I couldn't stay awake to watch the whole thing. I did fall asleep with a smile on my face, though, knowing that all is right in the world of network television if Gilles is back and not wearing a shirt. Again, if I am going to watch a show about the extremely difficult lives of the rich, white, and beautiful, they should at least take their shirts off. The work of IMS is never done, and so I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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