Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fade to Grey

Every so often, I am reminded why I am so devoted to Grey's Anatomy. Last night's episode with Avery ever so slowly taking off his scrub shirt and ever so slowly putting on his regular shirt was just such a delicious reminder. My cast mate and I clapped and cheered after we picked our jaws up off the floor during this scene. Frankly, a man who will both take off his shirt and listen to your issues while feeding you chocolates gives one a lot to cheer for. Obviously, the fact that he was giving the chocolates and listening to Lexi in hopes of advancing his career lessened the impact of these actions, but the good shirtlessness at the end of the episode made it all okay. It's amazing how much shirtlessness can fix almost any situation.

The weather continues to disappoint me in Alabama. I was hoping for a winter of warm weather and good male shirtlessness , but alas, that seems not to be in the cards for me. I will settle for the many shapely calves revealed by all the Julius Caesar costumes and hope for spring to come soon. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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