Friday, September 6, 2013

Shirtlessness is Funny

No doubt all of you gentle readers have noticed some of the furor around this summer's anthem "Blurred Lines."  I will admit that in spite of being an ardent feminist, I like the song, mostly because it's just so much fun to dance to and I honestly can't understand most of the lyrics.  I feel like most pop songs sung by male vocalists for the last 30 years have been a riff on "You know you want it," and I find it surprising that the one great dance song to come out this summer has started such a furor.  It's no "Call Me Maybe" but it is a lot of fun.  I will not even blemish this blog by discussing the rendition featured on the VMAs.  What I will bring to the table is this fantastic parody of the song.  I am not a big fan of the actual video since you all know my stance on completely nude women being featured with entirely dressed men, and this parody takes that trope and turns it on its head, in some cases literally.  It also retains the best part of the song which is the groovy hook.  And of course, all the men are shirtless.  Enjoy!

Yours in shirtlessness,

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