Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mean Boy?

Gentle IMS members, while it is true that I have been traveling a lot lately, the truth is that my lack of posts has been more a product of lost inspiration than of not having time.  While I am always advocating for more male shirtlessness, I'm afraid that lately I have been feeling rather alone and ineffective with the cause.  Readership has gone down while shirtlessness has not gone up, and I wonder if it is still worth keeping the cause alive.  After all, there has been a huge shift in theater and television towards shirtlessness since this humble blog began in 2007.  Is there really that much more to do?  And does anyone still care?  And finally, will this ever translate into actual live shirtlessness at any point?  I don't have the answers, my friends.  But I have decided that it is worth trying to figure them out, at least for another day.

A friend recently posted this picture on my Facebook wall and made me think that perhaps the cause is still relevant.  Above is Rajiv Surendra,  a South Asian-Canadian actor, who you probably will not recognize from "Mean Girls" because he has undergone such a major transformation.  Mr. Surendra played Kevin Gnapoor (while my brother's name is Kevin, I am dubious about a South Asian last name spelled with a G and an N together), the Indian nerdy kid in that film.  I actually saw this movie with my brother who was terrorized by teenage girls while trying to buy us popcorn.  He was very pleased, however, to see an Indian character with the name Kevin since actual Indian people never believe him when he says his name is Kevin.  Anyway, Mr. Surendra definitely did not take off his shirt in the movie, but I will say that I am certainly looking forward to the movie when he does!  And if this South Asian kid can transform himself for the cause, well then I can too.  Until Friday, I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post and great body! :-) The cause should continue! Love, Padma Singh, Artist and Mother