Friday, February 27, 2009

Remembering more than Shirtlessness

Another touching moment in last week's Oscar ceremony was the acceptance speech given by Heath Ledger's family for his Supporting Actor award. I didn't think it appropriate to post a shirtless picture of him, but maybe just this shot of him looking happy. Not only did Mr. Ledger appear shirtless in many of his films, but he always gave an in-depth performance that suggested a serious attention to craft that so many may forget. I watched "Cassanova" over the summer and found him so delightful that I felt sad for his passing all over again.

I had my writers lab last night and missed all of the television last night, although after the ridiculousness of last week's GA/PP "event," I admit, I needed a break. For this weekend's B&S "event," the vice president of IMS and I are going to watch together and play the drinking game called "Drink Whenever You See Sally Field Running" since the commercial has suggested that show will follow Ms. Field on a marathon down a hospital corridor. It should be a fun night. I think someone will die, but I hope it is not the baby since the baby would be the only series regular of color on that show. I will keep you posted on the results of that game.

I don't know why the winter is affecting me so deeply this year. I did grow up in Buffalo and should be accustomed to the cold. But I remind myself that when I lived in Buffalo, I drove everywhere as opposed to walking which seems to make the difference. I'm so cold that I don't even care if anyone takes their shirt off right now. I hoping that spring is just around the corner. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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