Monday, March 2, 2009

No Shirtlessness, No Dying

While watching the B&S "event" last night, the vice president of IMS introduced me to which posts lots of shirtless pictures from the soaps. The VP also pointed me towards the "Passions" hunks who in addition to almost always being shirtless themselves, also like to go places with their other shirtless friends. I now wonder why I allowed the fact that magic figured prominently in the storylines dissuade me from ever watching this show. I find this so funny that I had to post these pictures since no one took their shirt off or died on B&S last night.

So the drinking game with Sally Field running almost derailed because all the running happened in the early parts of the show. We then added rules. I had to drink whenever Julia spoke because she drives me crazy, and he had to drink whenever Scotty spoke because Scotty speaks about the same amount as Julia. The we drank whenever Calista Flockhart cried. And we definitely toasted whenever they showed the mixed race baby who is the official person of color on that show. I'm not trying to promote drinking games here, but it became clear that the only way to the enjoy the show was with camp-y silly games and forays to the internet. We saw Rob Lowe shirtless for a minute, but that was while he was being shocked. It didn't seem appropriate to post.

I'm also caught up on UB and wonder if Connor's recent transformation into Evil means he will no longer take his shirt off with Wilhemina. That makes me a little sad. I hope I don't have to start making up drinking games for UB. Hopefully a male model will make a shirtless appearance soon and put everything right again in the UB universe. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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