Monday, April 11, 2011

The Goz

The secretary of IMS recently alerted me to some upcoming excellent male shirtlessness coming from Ryan Gosling in the film "Crazy Stupid Love." Between his abs and the fact that it's a romcom with Steve Carell, I'm sure to see it. If only he were reunited with Rachel McAdams, all would be well. But I won't grumble. Mr. Gosling is always compelling onscreen and has chosen some interesting roles over the years. And if he happens to look great with his shirt off, then who am I to complain?

So things are really heating up here in the South. I feel that in just a day or two, men will be shedding their shirts left and right. Whether this will be a good thing remains to be seen, since my apartment complex is surrounded by fast food restaurants. I will say, however, that the men in the cast seem to be gearing up for shirtless weather. I think goodness lies ahead. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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