Friday, November 28, 2008

Post Thanksgiving Shirtlessness

I felt I would be doing a disservice to the many men who check out my blog if I posted some crazy Daniel Craig-after-a-12-hour-workout photo or some such similar sad-making picture the day after Thanksgiving. I'm the bitchy girl with the high metabolism who hasn't gained a pound since high school, and I feel bloated today. So with that, I thought I would post this kind of endearing picture of Kyle Bornheimer from CBS' "Worst Week" to remind everyone that good shirtlessness comes in all shapes and sizes. Recently a member of IMS told me how cute he thought Mr. Bornheimer because of his teddy bear-like quality, and I have to say that I can see it. In addition, I think this picture shows how you can make the most of a bad situation by attractively tying your sheet or towel into something reminiscent of a loin-cloth to up the giggle factor. Finally, I'd like to say that Mr. Bornheimer, while not tan, has clearly seen the sun recently and demonstrates that point 2 of the 2 Point Standard of Good Shirtlessness does not mean that you have to endanger your skin's health.

Good news to report on the Daniel Craig front - the next Bond movie is supposed to bring the shirtlessness back. Check out this link that was sent to me. Obviously, I am the red-blooded fan that was disappointed by Quantum of Solace referenced in the article, and I am thrilled to know that there will be more bedroom antics in the next film. I guess I'll just have to keep watching my "Casino Royale" DVD until then.

I'm looking forward to some fun on Sunday's DH. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, November 24, 2008

More Modern Shirtlessness

With no new DH and no new shirtlessness to report from Thursday night, I have to revert to my old stand-bys, modern dance. I happen to think that Desmond Richardson has one of the best bodies ever, and I am so happy that I have had several chances to see it live when he was performing with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, the Broadway show "Fosse," and now in his own company, "Complexions." Actually, if you live in New York, you can see it too since Complexions is performing at the Joyce Theater through the end of this week. I highly recommend since not only does he have a beautiful body, but he also has a beautiful way of moving it, demonstrating the levels to which good shirtlessness can be taken.

Meanwhile, I think it is safe to say that GA has gone to the bad place with last week's episode. I know I bemoaned the idea of interns performing an unneccessary surgery on themselves in a closet last week, but I was ( if possible) more distraught when watching and realizing that said surgery was to take place while the dummy was still conscious. The only comforting thing in this episode was realizing that the basement supply closets of Seattle Grace Hospital are equipped with anasthesia for just such instances allowing said stupid interns to put their subject under during a commercial break. I have an uncle in India who always tells me to give thanks for small mercies, and this was certainly one of them. Plenty has already been written on the internet about the reappearance of Denny, and all I can say is that I agree with everyone that he needs to go away. Izzie having vocal sex with a ghost is not the stuff of medical dramedies.

UB continues to amuse although they simply refuse to take off Connor's shirt. Why, ABC, why? Give a girl hope that there might be some good shirtlessness in time for the holidays. So far this month has not given me much to be thankful for other than the fact People magazine publishes shirtless quizzes. With that, I am off to search for other small mercies in that winter wonderland of Buffalo, NY, for the Thanksgiving holidays. Wish me luck! Until the next time, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello Hugh!

Congratulations to Hugh Jackman on being named "Sexiest Man Alive 2008" by People magazine! Given his incredibly long shirtless scene in the commercial for "Australia" and this lovely picture above, I have to say that IMS highly endorses the choice. Good job, Hugh, for demonstrating that good shirtlessness is not only for the young and unattached. This father of two still finds time for fitness and seeing the sun and by all accounts is an all around nice guy. Hurrah!

Now I have to respond to a comment from the last post, not the one about my love life but the other one, and make sure that everyone knows that I thought "Quantum of Solace" was a fine movie, just not one with enough shirtlessness from the sexy and fit Mr. Craig. I don't want to lead anyone astray about the film. It is jam packed with action that will knock your socks off and continues the psychological exploration of Bond started in "Casino Royale." Of course, if you are looking to get the most shirtlessness for your buck in these bleak economic times, "Quantum of Solace" is not your film. Just saying...

I was working on a gala all day and night yesterday and have not had time to watch either UB or GA to report on the shirtlessness there. I figure I can save it for Sunday night when DH is a re-run and report on Monday. But I would like to draw your attention to another feature in the People "Sexiest Man Alive" issue which is a poll called "Guess the Chest." I wonder if someone at People is reading my blog, because this poll is tailor-made for IMS members. You should all check it out and see how you score. With that I leave you...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Enough Shirtlessness

This picture is not from "Quantum of Solace." It is from "Casino Royale," the movie that started all the excellent hype. What happened? I was so excited about the premier on Friday. I had the plan and the people and even a cute outfit. I waited in line almost an hour in advance and almost got into an altercation over seats. What did I get for all of this? One scene of good male shirtlessness. That's it. Nothing more. Daniel Craig worked out like crazy for one measly scene. I'm sure he was very disappointed too. It was a sad evening for the President of IMS. I had thought that our efforts were breaking new ground but realized on Friday that our work is far from done. When they start shooting the next Bond, I proposed we start a letter writing campaign to the studio to let them know that we want more good male shirtlessness, not less, in the next movie. Now that some movie theaters are charging $14 for a ticket, I think that's the least we can demand. Harder core groups would probably demand some pantslessness for those prices.

On top of this, there was no shirtlessness on GA, DH, or B&S. What is the world coming to? If I weren't experiencing some good shirtlessness in real life, I would be totally despondent right now, but I'm managing to keep my faith. Someone has to take his shirt off and keep it off on one of these shows soon. My hope is that it is Sloan on GA since that show looks like it is about to jump the shark. I know GA is medically preposterous, but having the interns operate on themselves defies the bounds of even tv medecine. We need help, stat!

I need to regroup and come up with a new plan for IMS. James Bond has let us down, and ABC just keeps giving us Steven Weber with his shirt on. I am dazed and confused, but I will figure out this conundrum. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

Last night after my writers' lab, I only had time to watch UB which featured exactly no male shirtlessness. Did I care? No! This morning I read the review of "Quantum of Solace" in the New York Times which was not terribly positive. Did I care? No! Why am I so carefree on this rather glum New York morning? Because today is November 14th, and with the opening of "Quantum of Solace," I am guaranteed some excellent male shirtlessness. Hurrah! Our activist effort is making a difference, one Bond film at a time. Frankly, that's really all that the President of IMS can hope for on any given day.

So even though there was no shirtlessness on "Ugly Betty" last night, I did enjoy that blast from the past, Ralph Macchio! After looking exactly the same for at least 20 years, he was barely recognizable on the show. In fact, I hadn't noticed that it was him when he was on two weeks ago. I'm not sure how I feel about him taking off his shirt yet, but it's nice to see a teen heart-throb come back to guest star on a hit show. It's makes my 80s-loving heart all tingly. Meanwhile, why has Connor not taken off his shirt? ABC needs to fix this error pronto...

I'm sure that Mr. Craig will put me in a reverie for the rest of the weekend which means that I won't care whether anyone takes their shirts off on GA or DH and may be able to put up with another week of whiny neuroses on B&S. We can thank a mysterious "Sweetcheeks" for the fun video above. I had to post it since it did frontload the shirtlessness. Now I have to pick out my outfit for the premier, something tasteful that allows for massive swooning. I'll be sure to post all about it on Monday. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, November 10, 2008

5 Days and Counting

Quantum of Solace is opening on Friday. I have my ticket. I have gathered the troops. A friend reminded me that I need to get myself a hankie to wipe the drool from my mouth. I am ready.

Because I know that good shirtlessness is coming my way, I will not complain about the lack of shirtlessness last night. Instead, I will focus on how sometimes DH is fantastic even without shirtlessness and how B&S is totally losing me even with it. As for DH last night, I started clapping during the scene with Lynette in the bathroom. She was giving me "Mean Girls:30 Years Later," and I loved it. Mike sleeping with Katherine is great because it means more good shirtlessness is on the way. Edie's husband being criminally insane suggests more sinister fun to be had in the coming weeks. And Susan's rekindling of her relationship with Jackson made me tear up a little bit. I know I don't like his haircut, but their relationship took on such sweetness that we haven't seen in a while on DH. Fine, I'm sappy - I'll admit it.

On the other hand, there is B&S which continues to present more scenes of whining. I was practically yelling at the tv when Kitty did her Kitty thing to the birth mother. I wanted to scream "Don't you know that you are ruining the only chance for a person of color to have a decent storyline on this show?!" I know all of that mannered chit chat was cute on Ally McBeal. I in fact loved it on that show. But 10 years later I am tired of mannered neuroses. Please B&S give us something to care about, and I don't mean Ryan Lafferty.

So I am going back to "Heroes" to continue my support for multi-cultural shirtlessness. I understand that NBC is worried about its slip in the ratings, and so let's mobilize to support this show which understands the formula of good shirtlessness presented without whining. I'll report back on my findings on Friday. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ode to Being President

Now that the election is over and I don't have an ulcer, I can take some time to reflect on job itself instead of the candidate. As President of IMS, I have learned a thing or two about leading people through murky times around tricky topics, and I thought that perhaps our new President-elect might appreciate some thoughts from an activist and community organizer of a different type. First of all, know that everyone will not like all of your choices all of the time. When I spoke out against full frontal nudity for Orson on DH, I received a very nasty comment about my taste - and that too on a blog that almost no one ever comments on! Second of all, you may have ideas that make sense and are popular that still don't result in change. Why was Eric Dane completely covered up for all of last season? Finally, you may try to rally your constituents behind one cause only to find them rallying behind another. When I was happy to post multiple pictures of Michael Phelps this summer, I received many requests for pictures of other swimmers. I'll just say that it takes a person who can roll with the punches to be president of anything, and I am happy to say that after this campaign, I feel confident in our new President's ability to do just that. And the good news is that sometimes when you least expect it, someone who has followed your path can send you something out of the blue that makes you feel really happy, like the picture that I am posting today.

This picture, of course, leads me to remind you all that the new Bond film opens next Friday. I bought my ticket today! There is nothing like scheduled excellent shirtlessness. This will relieve a little bit of the pressure on the shows next week since I know some banner shirtlessness will be had on Friday night. Sigh.

I only caught GA tonight and was disappointed in the lack of shirtlessness again, although I must admit it was fun to watch McSteamy fail at seducing Christina. This is basically every nerdy girl's fantasy (including mine) - that a hot guy repeatedly throws himself at her while she is too busy to notice. Of course, in my fantasy I eventually do realize that the hot guy will take off his shirt if I ask him to and I do, but it was fun to watch a dream come true on television anyway. Maybe part two will happen next week. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

PS. Did anyone notice the commercial for "Australia" during GA? I think some Thanksgiving shirtlessness is coming our way, and a lot of it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Return of IMS Poster Boy '07

While I am getting an ulcer waiting for November 4th, the happy news is that November 14th is just around the corner bringing with it some new and no doubt excellent shirtlessness. "Quantum of Solace" releases wide next Friday, and I am giddy with anticipation. Watch the trailer all the way until the end for reassurance that this movie will feature some great Daniel Craig (IMS Official Poster Boy 2007) shirtlessness. I made the mistake of seeing "Casino Royale" with my dad over Thanksgiving. No such similar error will be made this time. I'll be there on opening night with my fellow IMS members clapping and cheering for our hero who not only sets the standard for excellent male shirtlessness but also has a cheeky English accent and looks great in a tuxedo!

Speaking of November 4th, I'd just like to offer a gentle reminder to those of you in the US to vote tomorrow. I don't think it is too hard to tell who this shirtlessness-blogging, dance-loving, highly educated, New York City gay icon will be voting for, but in all sincerity, I hope that everyone will vote for whomever they think is the best person for the job. It's going to be a terrible job for sure, but I hope that we can pick someone and stand behind him when it's all over which will hopefully be tomorrow.

The only thing that has been soothing my election anxiety lately has been the excellent shirtlessness exhibited on all of the shows recently. GA's writers have finally understood that Eric Dane should be shirtless in every episode. Hurrah! Justin seems to be opening up to taking his shirt off once an episode in B&S. Hurrah! And the gay couple is allowed to interact with the housewives on DH which I have to say is long overdue. I'm beginning to feel hopeful again...

11 days and counting the Quantum of my Solace. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,