Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Emergency Post!

Gentle IMS members, apologies for being MIA for the past three weeks.  I am currently rehearsing for a show in Philadelphia which has kept me from my posting duties.  Good news for me, but not so great for the blog.  Once my show opens next Wednesday, I look forward to resuming my bi-weekly posting schedule.

In the meantime, I did receive a frantic call last night from the Vice President of IMS regarding the season opener of "The Bachelorette" in which one contestant, the above pictured Zak Waddell, emerged from the limousine shirtless.  Having pooh-poohed the show since the first Bachelor decided to choose the girl with the biggest breasts, I have never followed any developments on this show except for what the VP tells me, i.e. which Bachelorettes are true believers in the cause.  DeAnna Pappas got strong props from the VP for being a true promoter of good male shirtlessness.  It looks like this season, whether Bachelorette Desiree Hartstock believes in the cause or not will make little difference in the shirtless quotient of the show since apparently, Mr. Waddell refuses to wear a shirt.  He has certainly made a strong impression on the VP.  Let's see if he can last until the final rose ceremony!  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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