Monday, February 3, 2014

Superbowl Shirtlessness

While I did not actually watch the SuperBowl last night (Instead I went to a show with a sold out run that had a few cancellations), I did check out the Halftime Show after I got home and was delighted to see the combination of showmanship and shirtlessness showcased this year.  I understand the actual game was terribly boring, but the Halftime show was anything but!  Now I have been accused of being age-ist with my shirtlessness, but the truth is that most men stop taking off their shirts after a certain age.  Apparently not the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Anthony Kiedis is 51 years old and still rocking a six-pack.  And sweet young Bruno Mars wowed us with his dancing while fully dressed.  I liked it!

I also went to see "The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra" this weekend at Ma-Yi Theater and had a fantastic time.  You should go!  When I wrote to the writer and director to congratulate them on a job well done, I mentioned that I was unable to promote the show on the blog because there wasn't any shirtlessness.  (Mind you, I was not complaining since it is a children's show that has lots of great jokes for parents.)  The director wrote back to point out that one of the space monsters was shirtless, and that the original design had included a shirt but that he had requested it to be taken off after reflecting upon my aesthetic.  I can't say that it is good shirtlessness, exactly, since it is on a space monster, but I have to feel pleased that I am spreading shirtlessness intergalactically at this point.

It's this kind of comment that gives me a small bit of hope even as I continue to have difficulty posting in the face of a shirtful existence.  It's hard to keep encouraging good male shirtlessness for others when there is so little for me.  But then I find out that my message is having an impact, and who am I to deny shirtlessness to others?  So gentle readers, I will continue to advocate for good male shirtlessness in hopes that someday maybe some might even come my way.  Until then, I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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