Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Commercial Shirtlessness

After a frenzy of shirtlessness, I found myself sucked into a vortex of non-shirtlessness, namely in working on three non-profit fundraisers in one week where no one took off his shirt.  So tonight when I saw this commercial featuring David Beckham wearing a shirt with everyone around him yelling "Shirt Off," I realized that I had let my directing shirtlessness debut get the best of me.  Burger King won't let me embed the actual commercial on my blog, but I think this picture tells the story well enough.  I don't believe I have set foot in a Burger King in over a decade, but if I thought David Beckham was inside, I might rethink that choice.  Of course, who are we kidding?  Shirtlessness like David Beckham's does not come from frequenting fast food establishments.

In any case, there will be ample opportunity to witness some live shirtlessness next weekend when Leviathan sponsors its "One Night Stand" 24 Hour Play Festival.  I'm one of the writers, and someone will take his shirt off.  I try to use my power for good.  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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