Monday, May 28, 2012

Directing Shirtlessness

As many of you know, I have recently been appointed Director of Shirtlessness of Leviathan Lab, a theater company in New York City dedicated to making work for a membership of Asian-American actors.  I think this job was given to me after my rants about shirtlessness inspired one member of the company to run shirtless in the fundraising 5K and make his torso a sponsorship opportunity. In any case, my first official job as DOS was to direct a trailer to entice people to our 24 hour short play festival, "One Night Stand," and I hope that the IMS membership will approve of the above trailer.  I don't think I've ever had so much fun directing something in my life!  I literally got to order our sweet actor, Chris Doi, to take off his shirt and lay on the ground so that we could write all over him.  Then I instructed the DP to "caress his body with the camera" and "pan slowly over his chest."  I was clearly made for this job!

The trailer turned out so well, that we will be making another one for another event soon.  I'm beginning to think that Director of Shirtlessness could turn into a full-time job!  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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