Friday, June 15, 2012

Shirts Off Live

This Sunday is Leviathan Lab's One Night Stand 24 hour play festival, and I feel fairly sure that someone will take his shirt off during the performance.  I was scheduled to write a short play for the event, but in the last days before I fly off to Italy, I realized that I was overextended.  And so while I can't guarantee that there will be shirtlessness, I do feel strongly as Director of Shirtlessness of Leviathan Lab that a shirt will come off at some point in the evening.  All the info for Sunday's free show can be read on Chris' bare chest at the end of the above trailer.  I hope to see some IMS members there!

I will be taking two weeks off of the blog for my Italian vacation.  The Vice President of IMS and I will be traveling throughout Italy together, hoping to see some live Italian shirtlessness.  We'll report back after the Fourth of July holiday.  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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