Tuesday, March 4, 2014

One for the VP

I missed posting yesterday due to a crazy schedule, but I've been wanting to post this picture of the delightful Theo James ever since I saw the trailer for "Divergent" a few weeks ago.  Some of you may remember Mr. James from his brief shirtless appearance on Downton Abbey as the doomed Mr. Pamouk.  I hope he lives through this film.  I know a certain Vice President of IMS will be in a hurry to see this film, and so for him, I post the back tats of the gorgeous Mr. James.

Part of the craziness of Monday was due to the craziness of Oscar night on Sunday when I stayed at a party till the bitter end of the telecast.  Actually, I enjoyed the Oscars more than other years because the awards seemed to be more spread out than the sweeps for Oscars past.  It also helped that Lupita Nyong'o gave one of the best acceptance speeches ever.  And that I was watching at a home where the hostess kept pouring everyone mulled wine in seemingly endless quantities.  Getting home late and having a packed day led to me passing out last night before I could post.  Hopefully this back will make up for it.  Until next Monday, I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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