Monday, November 24, 2008

More Modern Shirtlessness

With no new DH and no new shirtlessness to report from Thursday night, I have to revert to my old stand-bys, modern dance. I happen to think that Desmond Richardson has one of the best bodies ever, and I am so happy that I have had several chances to see it live when he was performing with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, the Broadway show "Fosse," and now in his own company, "Complexions." Actually, if you live in New York, you can see it too since Complexions is performing at the Joyce Theater through the end of this week. I highly recommend since not only does he have a beautiful body, but he also has a beautiful way of moving it, demonstrating the levels to which good shirtlessness can be taken.

Meanwhile, I think it is safe to say that GA has gone to the bad place with last week's episode. I know I bemoaned the idea of interns performing an unneccessary surgery on themselves in a closet last week, but I was ( if possible) more distraught when watching and realizing that said surgery was to take place while the dummy was still conscious. The only comforting thing in this episode was realizing that the basement supply closets of Seattle Grace Hospital are equipped with anasthesia for just such instances allowing said stupid interns to put their subject under during a commercial break. I have an uncle in India who always tells me to give thanks for small mercies, and this was certainly one of them. Plenty has already been written on the internet about the reappearance of Denny, and all I can say is that I agree with everyone that he needs to go away. Izzie having vocal sex with a ghost is not the stuff of medical dramedies.

UB continues to amuse although they simply refuse to take off Connor's shirt. Why, ABC, why? Give a girl hope that there might be some good shirtlessness in time for the holidays. So far this month has not given me much to be thankful for other than the fact People magazine publishes shirtless quizzes. With that, I am off to search for other small mercies in that winter wonderland of Buffalo, NY, for the Thanksgiving holidays. Wish me luck! Until the next time, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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