Monday, November 10, 2008

5 Days and Counting

Quantum of Solace is opening on Friday. I have my ticket. I have gathered the troops. A friend reminded me that I need to get myself a hankie to wipe the drool from my mouth. I am ready.

Because I know that good shirtlessness is coming my way, I will not complain about the lack of shirtlessness last night. Instead, I will focus on how sometimes DH is fantastic even without shirtlessness and how B&S is totally losing me even with it. As for DH last night, I started clapping during the scene with Lynette in the bathroom. She was giving me "Mean Girls:30 Years Later," and I loved it. Mike sleeping with Katherine is great because it means more good shirtlessness is on the way. Edie's husband being criminally insane suggests more sinister fun to be had in the coming weeks. And Susan's rekindling of her relationship with Jackson made me tear up a little bit. I know I don't like his haircut, but their relationship took on such sweetness that we haven't seen in a while on DH. Fine, I'm sappy - I'll admit it.

On the other hand, there is B&S which continues to present more scenes of whining. I was practically yelling at the tv when Kitty did her Kitty thing to the birth mother. I wanted to scream "Don't you know that you are ruining the only chance for a person of color to have a decent storyline on this show?!" I know all of that mannered chit chat was cute on Ally McBeal. I in fact loved it on that show. But 10 years later I am tired of mannered neuroses. Please B&S give us something to care about, and I don't mean Ryan Lafferty.

So I am going back to "Heroes" to continue my support for multi-cultural shirtlessness. I understand that NBC is worried about its slip in the ratings, and so let's mobilize to support this show which understands the formula of good shirtlessness presented without whining. I'll report back on my findings on Friday. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

27 more hours till shirtlessness!

until then - laugh while whetting your appetite.