Monday, March 29, 2010

Some Evil Shirtlessness?

Since I spent so much time last week on the theater in New York, I did neglect my shows and this recent development on DH which I suspect will turn into some very good shirtlessness. John Barrowman has joined the cast of DH for a reported 6 episodes to stir up some trouble as Danny Bolen's biological father, and as we can see in the above picture from "Dr. Who," he should definitely take his shirt off. Actually, when he was on last week, I thought that they had done a great job casting someone who really looked like he could be Danny Bolen's father. He definitely looks like trouble which is par for the course at season finale time. I wonder what havoc Mr. Barrowman will wreak on Wisteria Lane.

In tracking him down on the internet, I learned that Mr. Barrowman is an openly gay actor in Hollywood which I find refreshing. I've always thought it was so strange that in New York the theater community is stereotyped as being predominantly gay, and yet on the West Coast, one would be hard-pressed to find an openly gay actor anywhere. The reasons may have something to do with the double-standard in the entertainment industry elucidated in this article in the Irish Times. Hollywood rewards acting gay, but not actually being gay. For women, I feel that the reward is in playing ugly but not ever appearing in public without a freshly injected face and a perfectly assembled outfit. So bravo to Mr. Barrowman for daring to be himself in public, and bravo to DH for casting him in a heterosexual role. Now if only they would allow Bob and Lee to do more than drink cosmos and pine for the trappings of heterosexual marriage on every third episode, and allow Katherine to come back to Wisteria Lane proving that it is actually less socially acceptable to frame your neighbor for attempted murder than being a lesbian, wouldn't that be something?

And if they could do all of these things and have the men take their shirts off, that would be even better! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rescue Me

Sorry for the late post, fellow IMS members, but I was waiting for approval of the above publicity photo from Michi Barall's "Rescue Me," playing at the Ohio Theater through April 18th since it demonstrates that the show does indeed include good male shirtlessness. Hurrah for independent theater! I was lucky enough to catch the first preview of this smart and funny show, and when the characters started talking about the ritualistic bathing of their prisoners, I started to get very excited indeed. I kept trying to smack Michi who was sitting one seat over from me (much to the chagrin of my neighbor), and while she was actually paying to attention to what the actors were saying, I was wiggling around in my seat thinking that this was my wildest theatrical dream come true, a play that contained both witty banter and good shirtlessness. What more can an IMS member ask for? The shirtlessness is even accompanied by water!

Lest I not give props where props are due, let's give a big IMS cheer for Ryan King who is sporting the excellent shirtlessness pictured above as well as a very cute pair of boxer-briefs in "Rescue Me" and who was kind enough to allow me to post this picture of him being bathed. He gives a great performance and is a nice person to boot. A+ in my Shirtlessness Book.

But seriously, this show gave me a lot of hope. I know I am constantly bemoaning the state of theater as dominated by all white, sometimes living males, and to see a play written by a woman of color produced with such care and beauty and received by the audience with a lot of laughter truly added a spring to my step. Maybe all is not lost after all. This retelling of "Iphigenia in Tauris" features a diverse cast of fabulous actors, some terrific choreography by Julian Barnett, fantastic staging on a gorgeous set by Loy Arcenas, and of course, a truly smart and sassy script by the magical Ms. Barall. You might go for the shirtlessness and find yourself enjoying something else entirely. I have to give shout outs to the beautiful Jennifer Ikeda for her wonderfully nuanced take on Iphigenia and to the always hilarious Paco Tolson for his use of 80s dance moves throughout the play as well as his expert handling of sheep. So to quote the curtain call, all I can say is "Here I am, baby, signed, sealed, delivered - I'm yours..."

In shirtlessness,

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lost in Shirtlessness

A few months ago, I met Mr. Kim at the theater with a friend of mine. I was feeling rather bashful because it was the first time that I actually met someone that I have posted on the blog (but hopefully not the last!), but he was quite lovely, polite and down to earth. He proved that it is possible not only to give good shirtlessness but also to be a gentleman as well. It's nice to know that this combo exists somewhere other than my imagination! I decided not to mention to him that he had been the subject of one of my posts and instead chatted about the show and the people we knew in common. I post him today because the friend who introduced us, Michi Barall, is having her play, "Rescue Me" produced Off-Broadway, and I am really thrilled.

In the current cultural climate in which almost every show on and Off- Broadway is written by a white man, it is a hopeful sign to me that Michi's play is getting produced by Ma-Yi Theater at the Ohio. Previews start tomorrow, and I am looking forward to going, even if there is no shirtlessness at all. Of course, let's face it, I am hoping that there is a little bit of shirtlessness. But sometimes one has to support multiple causes in order to get anything done. I support good male shirtlessness and diversity in the theater. Let's see what we can do on these issues. Now that health care reform has passed, I feel hopeful that change is possible. Until then, I remain...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just Because

Yesterday, I saw a man in Grand Central Station who looked like Blair Underwood, and I thought that I had never posted him before and should. So here he is. Just because. It's a perk of being president, I can post whomever I want. Blair Underwood is a sexy sexy man and should be shirtless often.

No new tv last night left me with lots of time to ponder the predicament of the winners of the Best Actress Oscar who seem all to lose the love in their lives after the tremendous achievement in their work. While Hollywood is hardly the conducive place to having a healthy relationship (apparently it's in a competition for dysfunction with Washington), I think it's interesting that most of the Oscar winners of late have been married women who seemed very happy in their relationships until they won. Since one doesn't seem to see the same effect in the Best Actor category, one can't help but wonder if being recognized for one's work as a woman is somehow detrimental to relationships and why. It makes me a little bit sad since I've been deluded this morning with segments on the talk shows about how important it is for successful women to soothe their men's egos. I've never seen a segment on how gingerly successful men should treat the women in their lives. Hmmm...

It just goes to show you that shirtlessness is not everything. But good shirtlessness matched with fidelity seems like a winning combination.

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, March 15, 2010

ABC Moving in the Right Direction!

Okay, I know I have to stop posting pictures of Gilles Marini because he was IMS Poster Boy 2009, but I can't help it. I welcome suggestions for anyone else who gives as good shirtlessness as he does since I am currently blinded by his amazing abs. I'd like to take a moment to congratulate ABC for finally figuring out that the best way to open an hour-long show is with good male shirtlessness. GA began with a nice shot of Eric Dane doing some shirtless yoga, and B&S opened with a post-coital bedroom scene. Well played, ABC! Give us what we want right up front, and you'll find that we are a very happy audience. I will even buy that a 40-something mother of two has purple satin sheets as long as Gilles is shirtless upon them.

I will say that the VP of IMS and I recently had a conversation about how some of these shirtless images achieve iconic stature which then makes it harder for us to enjoy the simple shirtlessness that comes later. Who can forget Eric Dane coming out of the shower in a hand towel? That shot is burned into my memory, and although I am all for Eric Dane working out shirtless in every episode of GA, I have to say nothing will ever compare to that scene. Similarly, Gilles in the pool, all wet and in a black speedo, is probably not to be repeated. But I appreciate that the network continues to try!

I thought the shows were fun last night, although the Gilles working a brothel was a bit much for me. Also, I have to take offense at the paparazzi calling Sarah a cougar for dating Luc. I think I officially do not like the term cougar since it seems to apply to perfectly attractive women who date younger than themselves. So if Sarah who is supposed to be in her early 40s dates Luc who is supposed to be in his 30s, she is a cougar. Meanwhile Jeff Bridges wins an Oscar for portraying a 57 year-old man who falls in love with a 32 year-old woman. Was he called any kind of predatory animal? I think not.

I will get over my grumpiness on this issue by looking for some other shirtless pictures for Friday, Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, March 12, 2010


This week, IMS celebrates the birth of McSteamy's daughter, Billie Beatrice Dane. I didn't watch GA last night due to a reading that I was doing in Stony Brook, but I'm sure that we will see a little bit less of Eric Dane in the coming weeks as he takes time with his new baby girl. I don't know what's in the water over there, but that cast is producing babies all over the place. As long as the water promotes good shirtlessness, I don't much care, but I would be careful if I was not in the mood to procreate in that cast!

I don't have too much else to report other than Gilles' porn star storyline will be revealed this Sunday on B&S. I can hardly wait! It's been a busy week of play readings for this IMS president, I am looking forward to some time relaxing with some good shirtlessness over the weekend. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Requested Shirtlessness

During last night's Oscar telecast, the VP of IMS remarked that he thought Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler should have presented their Oscars shirtless, and I have to say I agree. So here's some shirtless Gerard Butler to make up for the fully dressed evening we had last night. I have to say that I watched my taped preview for next week's B&S before the Oscars as make-up shirtlessness for what I knew would be a fully dressed evening. Since women often reveal a lot of cleavage on these award shows, I wonder if it would be appropriate to suggest to the directors of next year's show that maybe a few of the male presenters could take off their shirts - strictly for ratings.

I enjoyed last night's show in spite of having the same problems with the program that I always do. I don't understand how it is acceptable to cut off people on their speeches at probably the pinnacle of their careers and then force us to watch a montage of horror movie clips. It just doesn't seem right. I'll also say that I was astounded when I realized that Kathryn Bigelow was the first woman ever to win a Best Director statue, and only the fourth to be nominated. It's 2010, folks. Really? I hope that her victory does shatter the celluloid ceiling. Also, Geoffrey Fletcher made history as the first African American to win an Oscar for screenwriting. Again, I am simply amazed by this statistic. Finally, I had a moment of doing a double take when the clip of the technical awards winners was shown since there appeared to be no women or people of color in that group either, a stark reminder of how far we still have to go in having a culture that reflects the actual make-up of our society. I know plenty of artists of color in the business, but I guess we are so worried about making a living, we don't have time to win Oscars. In spite of my amazement, I cried through most of the ceremony and even clapped a few times.

So the shows are back next weekend, and Gilles will definitely be shirtless next week. All is right in the world of shirtlessness, for now. But we must remain vigilant. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oscar Shirtlessness

In honor of the Academy Awards this Sunday, I present Jeremy Renner, nominated for Best Actor in "The Hurt Locker." There is something very Simon LeBon about Mr. Renner that I appreciate, although truth be told, I doubt he gets much sun. Anyway, although my heart does belong to George, I can't help but route for the underdog and secretly hope that Mr. Renner wins. I know that Jeff Bridges pretty much has a lock on the award, but if someone whose name was unrecognizable last year wins an Oscar, I would feel renewed in my endless search for employment as an actor. Just saying. I'm looking forward to the show on Sunday in spite of the fact that there will be no shirtlessness at all during the 4 hour telecast because, not unlike the Olympics, I will cry cathartic tears as I watch people's dreams come true. Sometimes, we all have to go to the weepy place.

In the meantime, I caught up on my Sunday night B&S which did not disappoint. The fact that Luc is back and shirtless and allowed to speak makes me very happy. And the preview of next week's episode that suggested that he was a French porn star in the past made me giggle like crazy. As the storylines become more ridiculous on that show, I applaud any that lead to Gilles Marini spending long stretches of time with no shirt on.

I am off to prepare my Oscar menu. I've seen 7 of the 10 films and plan to celebrate with homemade pizza. If there is no shirtlessness on Sunday night, well then, there will have to be good food! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Brand New Shirtlessness

Recently, a friend and new IMS member admitted that her new celebrity crush was a certain Michael Fassbender, and my first question to her was, "Does he give good shirtlessness?" A quick google search this morning has revealed the answer is yes. She insists that he is an amazing actor, and I am happy to report that he seems to be quite willing to take his shirt off in the name of art. I love dedicated actors!

Last night, my best laid plans of watching my shows were thwarted by some unexpected technical difficulties. I flew upstate to visit my grandmother this weekend because she has moved into a new facility and seems to be in need of some filial attention. I booked my return flight to coincide with the shows because the airline features private televisions in every seat. I figured I would watch my shows on the plane. Sadly, after boarding, I discovered that the only channel that JetBlue does not have in its impressive roster of entertainment options is ABC. And so I watched an episode of "16 and Pregnant" which was totally terrifying and came home to watch my taped episodes. But alas, a 24 hour trip to Buffalo did wear me out, and I only made it through DH. I saw that B&S showed a lot of promise by beginning with a shirtless Gilles, but I couldn't stay awake to watch the whole thing. I did fall asleep with a smile on my face, though, knowing that all is right in the world of network television if Gilles is back and not wearing a shirt. Again, if I am going to watch a show about the extremely difficult lives of the rich, white, and beautiful, they should at least take their shirts off. The work of IMS is never done, and so I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,