Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm feeling romantic because it's Valentine's Day and because I have spent that past few nights watching "Downton Abbey" with some of my cast mates. This delightful individual is British actor, Theo James, who plays a Turkish diplomat in the Masterpiece Theater miniseries, and although he is not shirtless here, he does take off his shirt in the series. There are many things to recommend "Downton Abbey," imcluding lush settings, gorgeous costumes, and fantastically twisting storylines. Sadly the only shirtlessness in the series occurs under less than ideal circumstances, but I encourage all IMS members to take the time to watch it and to keep track of Mr. James. He has an unusually light presence on the internet for an actor, but with those lips and eyes, I doubt this will remain the case for long. I also suspect he has more shirtlessness in his future.

The weather is improving in Alabama, and I suddenly feel hope that shirtlessness may be just around the corner. I have been distressed to learn that shirtless running is not allowed in the park that surround our theater and wonder if this means shirtlessness is generally not encouraged here. That would be sad. One of the primary ways to enjoy the sun is to take off one's shirt and soak it in, I believe. I shall remain optimistic, however, and believe that with the warm spring sun will come some good male shirtlessness. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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