Monday, February 21, 2011

Countdown to Oscar

I know I have already posted Mr. Bale, but he truly is the only Oscar nominee that I would like to see without his shirt. From the above picture, can you blame me? I know Mr. Bale has a reputation for being a nut due to the footage of him screaming at the crew during a film shoot, but sometimes I wonder if all his Method-acting weight loss doesn't drive him to craziness. If he stayed the pleasant weight pictured above, perhaps he would be nicer. But then again, it is his manorexic portrait of an addict that will most likely give him an Oscar this Sunday. So who's to say? Natalie Portman appeared to have starved herself for her nominated performance in "The Black Swan" and by all reports did not yell at anyone. So I guess I should make it clear that if in pursuing good shirtlessness, one feels the need to be a horrible person, please stop searching for the shirtlessness. Kindness is a far more valuable commodity.

That said, I do enjoy a combination of the two.

We're knee deep in shows and rehearsals at the Shakespeare Festival and managing all to be kind to each other. Some of my cast mates have taken to playing tennis outside our apartments, and that seems like a promising source of shirtlessness as the weather continues to heat up. We've been cooking up a storm here, and so no one has any excuse not to be pleasant. I feel a combination of kindness and shirtlessness may be in my future. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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