Monday, March 28, 2011

Limitless Shirtlessness

One of my castmates and recent members of IMS reported some good shirtlessness over the weekend in the new movie "Limitless." Bradley Cooper has never been hard on the eyes, and the prospect of seeing him in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs could entice me to see this movie. However, I have to admit that since arriving in Alabama, I have seen exactly one movie, and my guess is that my next trip to the cinema will most likely be for Jane Eyre. What can I say? I am a sucker for period dramas! That is why "The Tudors" was such a joy - period costumes and shirtlessness! Needless to say, Mr. Cooper has made "Limitless" number 2 on my list.

As for said castmate who reported his recent shirtless fix, I'd like to give a shout out for developing some very good shirtlessness of his own. He has introduced me to the wonder of "The Perfect Push-Up," a set of portable devices that make push-ups even harder than they normally are by requiring you to twist your wrists while doing them. I don't understand the physics of them, but I will say that the results speak for themselves. He was the envy of every man and woman in the gym this morning where we took a Body Pump class together. This recent addition to the IMS membership told me that the blog inspired him to develop better shirtlessness himself. This is exactly how the blog should work!

The cause continues on in mysterious ways. All I can say is that I'm happy to inspire more good male shirtlessness all across the country. Until next week, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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