Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Shirtlessness

I recently saw a giant billboard for Hugh Jackman's sold out Broadway show called "Hugh Jackman: Back on Broadway" and thought, "Here's a guy who gives good shirtlessness and can sing and dance!" He hasn't been on the blog in a while, and in honor of his show, I thought I would post him. I have a soft spot for a song and dance man, having been a song and dance woman for a significant period of my life. I don't believe he takes off his shirt in the show, although he did in "Boy from Oz," but I will forgive him for that. Sometimes, I'm sure he wants to be appreciated for his talent!

In any case, I've been receiving a lot of positive commentary on the shirtlessness from my play last week. I realize that these days, one needs to have a star to sell theater tickets, but I'm hoping that I may have just found the antidote for our star-crazed culture - shirtlessness. I may have to figure out how to make a guy take off his shirt in every play I write from here on out just as Gail Collins manages to mention Mitt Romney driving to Canada with the family dog strapped to the hood of his car in every single column. I assume she will stop after the election next year, but depending on the outcome, she may not. Good male shirtlessness would certainly make me happier than Mitt Romney! I'm going to start working on my plan right away. Until next time, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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