Friday, December 30, 2011

Bring It 2012!

For my final post of 2011, I decided to give you Benjamin Bratt because of his mixed ethnic heritage and in this picture he is featuring his semi-shirtlessness with water, one of my favorite accessories. I have many hopes and dreams for 2012, the least of which is not that there will be more cultural diversity on stage, that ethnically appropriate actors will be seen for roles that were written for them, and that all of this will involve more male shirtlessness. I also hope that I will elevate myself past the sharecropper level in my career. All I can say is that my motto is "Kick It Up A Notch!" and I hope that all of you will be able to join me in doing so.

2011 was a wonderful year in many ways. I spent 5 months in the deep South learning about public notices against shirtlessness as well as performing the works of the Bard. Then I had the chance to perform in "The Rocky Horror Show" where almost all of the men took off their shirts and Rocky in fact never put his shirt on. The fall brought me back to New York where I found that everyone was taking their shirts off on stage all the time! The movement has really had an impact!

So I toast you, my fellow IMS members, for a job well done in 2011 and to further success in 2012! As always, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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