Monday, February 18, 2013

Downton Madness

I'll admit that I am just mad for "Downton Abbey" that totally un-diverse, no shirtlessness soap opera that has captured the hearts of the UK and America for three seasons.  Last night's season finale was devastating.  I won't spoil anything but even though I knew which character had to go, I was still broken by it.  Terrible, just terrible.  And of course, now I'm left wondering how I will get through the next 11 months until the next season.  There were several upbeat moments in this downer of a season finale, however, and one of them was the tiny bit of shirtlessness exhibited by Allen Leech as the chauffeur cum son-in-law, Branson.  I don't know if the fact that no one takes his shirt off in Edwardian England makes this scene so vulnerable, but I'd like to applaud Mr. Leech for giving me a little bit of shirtlessness before the hammer came down at the end of the episode.

So I've had the flu for the past week in spite of getting the flu shot.  I've just been a mess for the whole week, unable to do much of anything, not even blog.  Although I am currently on the mend, I still feel awful and weak.  I don't think I have ever been laid up like this ever.  Not fun.  Several friends sent cute messages saying "Hope a shirtless man comes and takes care of you," but alas no one actually sent a shirtless man.  So I've had a revelation that while I have been advocating for good shirtlessness for the world, I've actually not been advocating for it for myself.  This is a real problem, and one I intend to address as soon as I am well again.  True advocacy starts at home, and this home needs some shirtlessness!  Until then, I remain...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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