Friday, February 1, 2013

Saturday Night Shirtlessness

I missed this because I am like a curse to Saturday Night Live - whenever I watch it, it's not funny, but apparently the shows that I miss are hilarious.  So I help them out by not watching and then catching up on good clips later.  An IMS member recently alerted me to this excellent mix of shirtlessness and comedy exhibited by Adam Levine.  He has tatoos and a high voice which are not usually my preference, but somehow I just can't get enough of him.  His using shirtlessness for laughs just endears him to me more.  So thank you Mr. Levine for doing what you should do on live television.

In other news, another IMS members sent me a link to a blog post about shirtless highlights from the last year, but not one of the highlights featured a man of color.  Given my New Year's Resolution and my general distaste for racism, I felt I could not post this link.  I know it may seem silly to draw the line there, but I do feel when "Sexiest" lists repeatedly feature only people of one ethnicity, it sends the message that all other ethnicities are not sexy and that's not right.  People of all colors of the rainbow are sexy, and while on this blog I do advocate for good male shirtlessness, in life I like to advocate for rampant sexiness for everyone. As someone who does not fit the typical sexy mold but believes that she is sexy in her own unconventional way, far be it from me to promote only one group of people being sexy.  So there.

So get out there, dear IMS members, and be your own sexy selves!

Yours in shirtlessness,

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