Monday, April 8, 2013

Zesty Shirtlessness!!!

So the Vice President of IMS just alerted me to this series of commercials making the rounds for Kraft's Zesty Italian Dressing, and let me say, kudos to the VP!  Anderson Davis is certainly zesty in these commercials.  I chose this one to share for its inventiveness in getting his shirt off.  Genius!  I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of Mr. Davis in the months to come.  If Kraft wants to sell lots of dressing to straight women and gay men this summer, I think this commercial will do the trick.  Check out the pizza one for some racier shirtless action...

The past week has been a bit rough for a variety of reasons, and so I have to give major props to the VP for really making me smile.  Oh hey!  Let's hope that this week is zestier if not just outright better.  Until Friday, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh HeYYYY! Love these! Thanks for the shout out... Keep your chin never know when a shirt will come off! ;)