This picture is not from "Quantum of Solace." It is from "Casino Royale," the movie that started all the excellent hype. What happened? I was so excited about the premier on Friday. I had the plan and the people and even a cute outfit. I waited in line almost an hour in advance and almost got into an altercation over seats. What did I get for all of this? One scene of good male shirtlessness. That's it. Nothing more. Daniel Craig worked out like crazy for one measly scene. I'm sure he was very disappointed too. It was a sad evening for the President of IMS. I had thought that our efforts were breaking new ground but realized on Friday that our work is far from done. When they start shooting the next Bond, I proposed we start a letter writing campaign to the studio to let them know that we want more good male shirtlessness, not less, in the next movie. Now that some movie theaters are charging $14 for a ticket, I think that's the least we can demand. Harder core groups would probably demand some pantslessness for those prices.
On top of this, there was no shirtlessness on GA, DH, or B&S. What is the world coming to? If I weren't experiencing some good shirtlessness in real life, I would be totally despondent right now, but I'm managing to keep my faith. Someone has to take his shirt off and keep it off on one of these shows soon. My hope is that it is Sloan on GA since that show looks like it is about to jump the shark. I know GA is medically preposterous, but having the interns operate on themselves defies the bounds of even tv medecine. We need help, stat!
I need to regroup and come up with a new plan for IMS. James Bond has let us down, and ABC just keeps giving us Steven Weber with his shirt on. I am dazed and confused, but I will figure out this conundrum. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
*gasp* -- real live shirtlenssness! praytell, whose the lucky man?
I'm nixing Bond from "to see" list - crossing my fingers for "Australia."
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