Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Shirtlessness

In honor of the 4th of July, I thought I would post Will Smith since any time anyone says Independence Day to me, that is who I think of. I guess I could have gone with Tom Cruise and the whole "Born on the 4th of July" motto, but alas, Mr. Cruise kind of bugs me these days. In any case, Mr. Smith is always good for some excellent shirtlessness, and I applaud him.

In news of my own shirtlessness, I spent 2 hours by the pool yesterday before my show and had the most unfortunate experience of getting burned. I'm a naturally brown person, and generally, due to this, I tan well. I usually don't wear sunscreen on the first day that I go out in the sun just so that I can get a base tan and then wear sunscreen after since I literally do not tan at all if I wear any sunscreen of any number at all. Sadly, yesterday I came home to discover that my body was many different colors. Strangely, my decollete was a different color than my stomach, possibly due to the fact that I was reading a book for a while. This all would have been fine if I didn't have a show at night in which I bare both my decollete and stomach at the same time and my tan lines from my bikini did not match my top. I wound up putting brown make-up all over in an attempt to mask it, and wound up looking a like a girl with a bad tan line who was really dirty. This incident reminded me again of how difficult it is to achieve good shirtlessness and how we should give kind encouragement to those who get it right.

In any case, my burn has turned into a tan this morning and does look a little bit more like the rest of my body. Phew! And with that I leave you on this holiday weekend...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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