Monday, July 25, 2011

Heat wave!

As the heat wave in the Northeast finally subsides, I have to share the status update of a friend on Facebook who remarked that it was "hotter than Ryan Reynolds abs" this weekend. Indeed it was! I salute her ability to make lemons into lemonade and keep even sweltering heat seated in the positive. I knew that the weather had been truly outrageous when yesterday's 91 degree weather seemed "cool." Currently, I am enjoying a balmy 85 degrees. But of course, as the above picture shows, hot weather leads to increased shirtlessness. So I will learn from my friend's positivity and thank Mother Nature for the silver lining in every cloud, or in this case, the loss of shirts in debilitating heat.

What I love about New York is that in spite of the heat, people still need to get out and get their arts. On Saturday night, I went to see a dance performance in Central Park that was packed with people, sweating to see some modern dance. I can't imagine another city in America where such a thing would happen. It was close to 100 degrees at 9pm, and people just took off their shirts and watched. I love New York!

Hopefully the rest of the week will bring relief to New York and the rest of the country. let's hope that even as the temperatures cool down, the shirts stay off! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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