Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cleanliness is next to Shirtessness

An IMS member sent this ad to me, and I thought I should post it as an example of how good male shirtlessness can make the world a better place. This company is leveraging good shirtlessness to create a cleaner, fresher, better smelling world. I think it is an excellent use of shirtlessness that makes me feel proud of the cause. Bravo!

Apologies for the completely off-kilter posting situation. I found myself unexpectedly overrun with work on Friday and Monday which did not allow me to post on my usual schedule. I know I need to make more time for shirtlessness, but alas in these cold winter months, I am often more motivated by the need to make money to buy a shirt that to promote the lack of one. In the wily world of theater, I do my best to adhere to a strict shirtless schedule, but alas, my best is not always good enough.

That said, I do have some leads on some new shirtlessness and some new IMS members who may take my posts to unexpected places. Until then, I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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