Friday, September 14, 2012

Gangnam Shirtlessness

While this video does not have tons of shirtlessness, I thought it was an apt alternative to my barrage of "Call Me Maybe" videos.  There is some random shirtlessness which is fun and of course, the dance which seems to be the latest sensation on the floor.  I just saw Psy on the "Today Show" this morning who said that he did not meet the Two Point Standard of Good Shirtlessness, but I have to hand it to him for knowing himself and promoting the shirtlessness of other.  Obviously, I do not understand one word of this video, but I'm tickled that a Korean pop star has made such a splash in the US.  In the remarkably xenophobic political climate, it's trends like this one that give me hope.  Psy has reportedly just been signed by Justin Bieber's manager.  No doubt Americans everywhere will be doing it Gangnam style soon.

I'm excited to report my own work on the shirtless front is paying off.  My very first shirtless play, "A More Perfect Date," will be presented next weekend as part of a theatrical evening called "Eating Theater" in Long Island City.  The play is a riff on what a perfect date for me would look like, and as such includes some shirtlessness.  I was lucky enough to secure an IMS Poster Boy of the past to play one of the roles.  In fact, although the play is not ethnically specific at all, I did cast entirely multiculturally in my continued effort to show that non-white people don't lie around all day bemoaning their lack of whiteness.  So this play is a score on many levels!  We had our first rehearsal last night, and the cast is very cute.  I'm so grateful every time actors say yes to my plays; watching them is the greatest joy of my career.  I hope some of you will be able to join me next weekend for the shows.  More details can be found through the Facebook link above.

So I'm feeling pretty good about the state of shirtlessness in New York theater right now.  I'm off to Dallas to do some corporate training work and hope to report back about good shirtlessness in the Great Nation next Friday.  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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