Friday, September 21, 2012

Shooting Shirtlessness

One thing I love about the fall is the beginning of a new season of television.  I'm always filled with hope that each season will bring more diversity and more shirtlessness.  While I can't speak to the first hope yet, I will say that the city is plastered with these "Arrow" posters that lead me to think some very nice shirtlessness is coming to us on the CW this fall.  I really should give more credit to the CW for its superior commitment to male shirtlessness, although generally all the shirtless shows are lily white.  I'm hoping that a show about the man who becomes the Green Arrow superhero will find a way to incorporate people of all ethnicities into its fantastical mix; surely it will find many ways to make him take off his shirt!

I'm making someone take off his shirt this weekend.  Being a playwright is so much fun!  I put my fantasy date on paper, and now a very fit individual will peel off his shirt for three performances.  I'm almost drunk with my own power!  Not only will he take off his shirt this weekend, but since he is a bit of a method actor, he's been taking it off in rehearsal for the past two nights, aided by a director who has embraced the shirtlessness to a point I could scarcely have imagined.  At one point in rehearsal, I was literally jumping up and down with joy and delight.  The best part of the whole thing is that the ladies get to keep their shirts on and sharpen their wits.  I hope audiences will enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed rehearsing!

So I'm feeling pretty good about my contribution to the cause this week.  I hope all of you can feel good about yours.  Until Monday, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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