Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome Back Gilles!

This evening I received an urgent call from the Vice President of IMS telling me I had to watch "Dancing with the Stars" because not only was IMS Poster Boy 2010 Gilles Marini doing a shirtless dance, but he was doing it in the style of Bollywood.  In spite of my strong aversion to all things Bollywood and my general distaste for white people dressing up as Indians, I have to admit that I can imagine no more perfect moment for IMS than his dance at 8:58 EST tonight.  I don't know if it was his Miami tan or his extra kajaled eyes, but I fell under his spell!  And his physique is truly unbelievable.  During the judging section, I just stared at his arms; then when they were waiting for their scores, I just stared at his bellybutton.  I could do without the gratuitous "that was hotter than a curry" comments from the judges (I mean when someone does a beautiful waltz, do any of the judges say it was "smoother than a fine coffee?"  I think not!), but I could not get enough of those arms, that chest, and that sexy sexy accent expressing how deep a commitment he has to the dance.  I seriously began to tear up as he talked about how afraid he was of doing this dance.

During our post-dance confab, the vice president and I agreed that both of us would start to cry if we ever met M. Marini.  Also, we hope that Brooke Burke will kindly step to one side the next time she is interviewing him, especially if he continues to perform shirtless which he should always do.  FOREVER. 

In case you can't tell, DWTS has really gotten me hot and bothered this evening.  So I will leave you with the happy video in case you didn't catch it tonight.  They could have both plied more and kissed less for a more authentic Bollywood feel, but I admire their total embrace of a dance that they confessed they knew nothing about.  They found an expert, took some lessons, and then took his shirt off.  Hurrah!

Yours in shirtlessness,

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