Monday, October 22, 2012

And We Have Lift-Off!

Happy news, fellow IMS members!  While I firmly believe that USA Today is a rag rather than an actual journalistic newspaper (spellcheck anyone?), the fact that it has declared 2012 the Year of the Shirtless Man brings a warm feeling to my heart.  This means that not only has our work effected the sides of the country but also the middle.  Oh happy day!  Read all about this important trend here.

I like how the networks have finally come to understand that spending power of women and decided to make programming to entice female viewers to sty with their shows.  I'm so glad that this realization has been made in 2012, 92 years after we got the vote.  To be fair, although the article did not mention it, I think the networks are also realizing the purchasing power of gay men which means that perhaps they realize that gay men are out and about in this country buying things.  Again, hurrah for the power of the obvious. 

I am disappointed that not one of the shirtless guys featured was non-white, but I'll leave that argument for another day.  Above I give you Johnny Lee Miller who stars opposite Lucy Liu who gets to keep all of her clothes on and even represent the voice of reason on the show "Elementary."  The envelope is being pushed in so many ways!

Here's to hoping that this trend keeps up in 2013!  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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