Friday, August 31, 2012

Boys of Summer

In spite of the most hateful political climate in memory, I have been trying not to make political posts.  Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even though I may vehemently disagree with it.  This video demonstrated such excellent use of shirtlessness, however, that I had to post it.  I'm sure it can come as no surprise that this shirtlessness-advocating, feminist gay icon is a Democrat, and I freely admit my bias towards this message of this video.  But watching 5 shirtless gay men dance around a pool singing to Mitt Romney is really too much to be resisted.  So at the beginning of Labor Day weekend, I give you the Wrong Directions and their request to the Republican Presidental candidate to disclose his taxes.  Let's hope that the shirtlessness can make it happen!

Until then, I remain...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thanks Ryan!

Recently a friend and reader sent me a link to a hilarious website of Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" photos with feminist statements that made me laugh out loud.  And I'll admit that I had no idea who he was talking about in some of the photos which shows a serious gap in my knowledge of feminist thinkers.  That said, I love that images of Ryan Gosling including many shirtless ones are being used for good and not evil.  I encourage you all to check out the "Feminist Ryan Gosling" while I run to Housing Works to buy myself a copy of the book.  You never know when you might need a picture book to restore your faith in men.  Given our current anti-female political climate, I have a feeling that I will be reading this book a lot over the coming months.  Shirtlessness and feminism - a winning combination that IMS stands by unequivocally.  In fact this is the combo that started IMS in the first place!  So thank you Ryan Gosling for letting your good shirtlessness be used to promote a society in which women are valued and treated like equals.  Although I know that this is the dream Ryan Gosling and not the real one, I suspect that if he didn't agree with the cause a little bit, he would have shut all these websites down.  So thanks Ryan for supporting the cause.

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ahhh Call Me!

This song has been the hit of the summer for me and for many others.  The plethora of lip-sync videos to this song has been astounding and amusing.  I was first introduced to it by the fabulous video compiled by the gentlemen of Abercrombie & Fitch which I posted here in June.  Later the Olympic Swim team made another video to it which also featured a fair amount of shirtlessness and was posted as well.  In the past few days, I have watched a wide variety of, shall we call them "tribute videos," with great joy including a remix by Cookie Monster called "Share It Maybe."  Last night I finally watched the real video made by Miss Carly Rae Jepsen and realized that it features excellent shirtlessness and a twist that made this IMS President laugh out loud.  So enjoy!

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Short History of Shirtlessness

Continuing with my Bollywood theme, I thought I would share this video detailing the shirtless evolution of another Indian star, Salman Khan.  Not only does he appear shirtless in every movie, but he also finds inventive ways to take his shirt off.  Note the role of wind, fire, and water in some of his later shirtless scenes.  Apparently, he is one of the pioneers of shirtlessness in Bollywood and has now embraced his torso for good clean fun.  Considering that one rarely sees anyone kiss in Bollywood films, I find the addition of shirtlessness to these movie musicals a welcome addition. Hurray for Bollywood!

Apparently, shirtlessness has become so embedded in the Bollywood aesthetic that most actors coming to Bollywood regard getting in shape as a given.  Oh happy day!  I read this fascinating article in the New York Times and thought that Bollywood is probably more like Hollywood than anyone wants to admit.  Celebrity trainers?  Check!

In any case, I am slowly returning back to my EST schedule and hoping to find some good new shirtlessness soon.  All this summer travel has caused me to miss a lot of blockbusters that are usually excellent sources of shirtlessness.  I have a lot of catching up to do!  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, August 17, 2012

Horray for Bollywood!

Just back from my two week trip to India, I felt it was only right that I post a Bollywood hero.  I have to say that there is a lot of shirtlessness in India, not all of it good, but certainly plentiful.  My first day in India was filled with shirtlessness as I spent it at an Hindu wedding in which no less than 6 priests strutted around without shirts and at one point made my uncle take off his shirt to give away his daughter, the bride.  But as I said, this was not the type of shirtlessness that I spend time pining for in this blog.  Seeing the sun is never a problem for Indian men, but fitness is not always at the top of any priest's list of things to do.  In any case, a few days later when I went to the beauty parlor for a spa service at my hotel, I noticed a Men's Health magazine featuring a shirtless Hrithik Roshan, and I thought "Here is the kind of shirtlessness this IMS President can support."  Mr. Roshan is almost too much for me.  He appears to have my waist and the shoulder span of an NFL linebacker.  I don't really understand how his body is humanly possible.  But the next day, I bought the magazine.  Who cares how it's possible?  Just be happy that it is!

I'm still recovering from jetlag and the trauma of spending two solid weeks with my family.  I hope that my Monday, I'll be back to my pithy, Eastern Standard time self.  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,