Friday, August 31, 2012

Boys of Summer

In spite of the most hateful political climate in memory, I have been trying not to make political posts.  Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even though I may vehemently disagree with it.  This video demonstrated such excellent use of shirtlessness, however, that I had to post it.  I'm sure it can come as no surprise that this shirtlessness-advocating, feminist gay icon is a Democrat, and I freely admit my bias towards this message of this video.  But watching 5 shirtless gay men dance around a pool singing to Mitt Romney is really too much to be resisted.  So at the beginning of Labor Day weekend, I give you the Wrong Directions and their request to the Republican Presidental candidate to disclose his taxes.  Let's hope that the shirtlessness can make it happen!

Until then, I remain...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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