Monday, September 24, 2012

Emmy Congratulations

Although I was not able to watch the Emmy's last night with a show of my own to attend and an episode of "Copper" to catch, I was happy to hear of Damien Lewis' win.  As you know, my cable offerings are limited, and so I have never seen "Homeland," but I have heard great things about it.  I have been a fan of Mr. Lewis since the "Forsyte Saga" ran on PBS 5 years ago in which he played the despicable Soames Forsyte.  In the final episode of the second series, his performance with co-star Gina McKee caused me to slow clap through the final credits.  Considering I was watching the series alone, obviously I was moved.  And the scene involved no shirtlessness at all.  In any case, I'm happy to see his continued success playing hard to like characters and thank him for his good shirtlessness in "Band of Brothers," pictured above.

As for my show, the shirtlessness was a hit!  One audience member who even knew it was coming blushed upon being confronted with a shirtless torso up close and personal.  The crowd went nuts for as the shirt came off, and I truly have my actors and director to thank for such a fun show.  I find that I am constantly questioning my choice of the theatrical lifestyle due to the craziness that often ensues (and not the good kind), but presenting this show really did renew my commitment to a life in the theater.  The process was just what theater should be - fun, filled with laughter, and a little bit provocative.  And of course, featuring some great shirtlessness accompanied by that tried and true accessory, water.  I wanted to post a photo from the show, but alas, my excitement at seeing my own work realized caused my hand to shake and ruin all the shots.  I am good at creating shirtlessness; I am not so good at documenting it.  I guess I need to work on that.

So until then, I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Shooting Shirtlessness

One thing I love about the fall is the beginning of a new season of television.  I'm always filled with hope that each season will bring more diversity and more shirtlessness.  While I can't speak to the first hope yet, I will say that the city is plastered with these "Arrow" posters that lead me to think some very nice shirtlessness is coming to us on the CW this fall.  I really should give more credit to the CW for its superior commitment to male shirtlessness, although generally all the shirtless shows are lily white.  I'm hoping that a show about the man who becomes the Green Arrow superhero will find a way to incorporate people of all ethnicities into its fantastical mix; surely it will find many ways to make him take off his shirt!

I'm making someone take off his shirt this weekend.  Being a playwright is so much fun!  I put my fantasy date on paper, and now a very fit individual will peel off his shirt for three performances.  I'm almost drunk with my own power!  Not only will he take off his shirt this weekend, but since he is a bit of a method actor, he's been taking it off in rehearsal for the past two nights, aided by a director who has embraced the shirtlessness to a point I could scarcely have imagined.  At one point in rehearsal, I was literally jumping up and down with joy and delight.  The best part of the whole thing is that the ladies get to keep their shirts on and sharpen their wits.  I hope audiences will enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed rehearsing!

So I'm feeling pretty good about my contribution to the cause this week.  I hope all of you can feel good about yours.  Until Monday, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Gangnam Shirtlessness

While this video does not have tons of shirtlessness, I thought it was an apt alternative to my barrage of "Call Me Maybe" videos.  There is some random shirtlessness which is fun and of course, the dance which seems to be the latest sensation on the floor.  I just saw Psy on the "Today Show" this morning who said that he did not meet the Two Point Standard of Good Shirtlessness, but I have to hand it to him for knowing himself and promoting the shirtlessness of other.  Obviously, I do not understand one word of this video, but I'm tickled that a Korean pop star has made such a splash in the US.  In the remarkably xenophobic political climate, it's trends like this one that give me hope.  Psy has reportedly just been signed by Justin Bieber's manager.  No doubt Americans everywhere will be doing it Gangnam style soon.

I'm excited to report my own work on the shirtless front is paying off.  My very first shirtless play, "A More Perfect Date," will be presented next weekend as part of a theatrical evening called "Eating Theater" in Long Island City.  The play is a riff on what a perfect date for me would look like, and as such includes some shirtlessness.  I was lucky enough to secure an IMS Poster Boy of the past to play one of the roles.  In fact, although the play is not ethnically specific at all, I did cast entirely multiculturally in my continued effort to show that non-white people don't lie around all day bemoaning their lack of whiteness.  So this play is a score on many levels!  We had our first rehearsal last night, and the cast is very cute.  I'm so grateful every time actors say yes to my plays; watching them is the greatest joy of my career.  I hope some of you will be able to join me next weekend for the shows.  More details can be found through the Facebook link above.

So I'm feeling pretty good about the state of shirtlessness in New York theater right now.  I'm off to Dallas to do some corporate training work and hope to report back about good shirtlessness in the Great Nation next Friday.  Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

Friday, September 7, 2012

I Like His Smile

Since the video on Monday seemed to suggest that there are no African-American bachelors to be found in Hawaii or wherever they shot it, I thought I should right the wrong by posting one of my secret favorite African-American poster boys for shirtlessness.  I don't know what it is about Shemar Moore; I just get giddy when I see him.  I like his smile.  Yes, it's his smile, that's it!  I know he is not smiling in the above photo, but with arms like that, does he have to?  I have no idea whether Mr. Moore is a bachelor, but I do know that he has spent a great deal of his career shirtless, and for this, I salute him.

Now that the conventions are over, we are officially into election season, and though I try to keep it non-political here on IMS, please have patience with my occasional outbursts.  I may end up with an ulcer before November 6th, and I shall be relying heavily on good male shirtlessness to help me through this fall.  May the new crop of television shows bolster us together!

The one bit of hope that I have recently been offered is attending workshops of plays by two of my fellow Writers' Lab writers and discovering that both contained multiple instances of shirtlessness.  I can't help but feel that I am exerting some influence among my peers.  I won't lie: it feels good.  I will continue to pursue my activism for our cause, my fellow members.  We are having an effect!

Yours in shirtlessness,

Monday, September 3, 2012

Shirtless Bachelors!

A certain IMS member who recently passed his nursing exam just passed this link on to me, and all I have to say is where are all these cute bachelors?  From the video, it looks like there are all hanging loose in Hawaii, and now I wish I could be there too.  I like how many Asian guys are representing in this video, although I'm surprised not to see a single African-American bachelor in the bunch.  Eligible bachelors come in all shapes and sizes, and I'm hoping that these cuties also sport my favorite accessory to shirtlessness, kindness.  They do all seem to be able to take off their shirts with a moment's notice which makes me pretty happy.  Frankly shirtless guys singing about how beautiful he finds us makes me very happy.

As this Labor Day holiday marks the end of summer and probably the end of live shirtlessness soon, I am home trying to write a new short play and cast another short play that will go up later this month.  And I have a cold which is a drag.  It's happy videos like the one above that keep me going.  I hope they keep you going too!

Yours in shirtlessness,