Thursday, May 8, 2008

Madge 1, JT 0

So here is a picture taken (illegally, I'm sure) by one IMS member at Madonna's concert at Roseland last week to document the continuing strange lack of shirtlessness on the Justin Timberlake front. Notice how Madonna is sporting some pretty strong cleavage, and JT is wearing a scarf. Although it was rather cold in New York last week, I have a feeling that the atmosphere inside Roseland was balmy, at the very least. Fine, Justin, don't take off your shirt; I didn't really want to see your chest anyway. But a scarf? Really?

Okay, down to the real business - some actual shirtlessness was achieved on Grey's Anatomy this week. McSteamly finally took off his shirt after a long and apparently very cold season. I'm hardly one to complain about any good male shirtlessness, but could I suggest that the amount of chest shown tonight was the equivalent of what would be seen in a v-neck sweater and so why doesn't ABC simply clothe the man in v-neck sweaters all the time? I'm a problem solver, and I think a v-neck sweater would solve the problem here. I did like tonight's episode, though. The "whore" speech that Bailey gives is priceless, and I will admit crying at the end of the Army story line. What can I say? I am a sap!

It looks like we should get some more good shirtlessness on DH this week, too. Perhaps it will be possible for me to have one satisfying week before the summer brings reruns and more horrible reality television. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else excited about the inevitable shirtlessness (and--fingers crossed!--pantlessness) that will be in the "sex and the city" movie? jason lewis + shirtless = woody. yum!