In this time of continued economic crisis, I can only say that I am extremely grateful for the amount of good male shirtlessness sported on several season premiers this week. I took part in ABC's "Stay at Home Week," mostly because I was worried about becoming penniless overnight and thought it better to stay home and find out about it on the news. Sadly for ABC, part of this week involved watching shows on NBC. On Monday I watched "Heroes," a show which has always appealed to me both in theory and when I have actually watched it but one that I felt I could not commit to for fear of turning into that old woman with the cat who never leaves her house because "her shows are on." I was pleasantly greeted by some excellent Indian shirtlessness, pictured above. I had felt a bit disgruntled at the beginning of the show because the Indian character didn't have any super-powers, and was happy to see that storyline has been ammended. Now Dr. Suresh has super-powers which cause him to run around his lab without his shirt on and apparently slicked up with oil. I'm not complaining. I was definitely feeling some ethnic pride when Sendhil Ramamurthy removed his shirt mid-show and kept it off for the remainder. Way to support the cause! Apparently someone is shirtless on "Heroes" every week as I learned on the blog by
Superherofan. Perhaps I should risk turning into the cat lady.
Back to ABC, "Ugly Betty" did not disappoint with some excellent shirtlessness displayed by Eddie Cibrian. I'm not sure that the new love interest they've brought on for Betty after summarily dismissing Henry and Gio is someone that I need to see shirtless, but as long as Eddie is on the show, I'm fine with it.
And while GA did not give us any new shirtlessness, they did at least get rid of Rose. Not that I didn't like the actress or the character, but I simply could not handle any more waffling on the Derek-Meredith issue. If they are going to continue with their annoying inability to commit conversations this season, McSteamy needs to be shirtless for the entire episode. Truly. Also, tonight's episode paid very nice homage to my hometown, Buffalo, NY, when it mentioned the freezing technique used to save a Buffalo Bill last season at Buffalo General Hospital. I'm thrilled that Buffalo received a compliment since most television shows only mention Buffalo in a derisive tone. To hear of a real Buffalo hospital mentioned with reverence just after a discussion of the Mayo Clinic and Mass General made me happy.
Finally, I saw the commercial for the new Bond movie. November 14th cannot come soon enough. Plus by then the election will be over, and I will hopefully be able to sleep again. One can never have too many shirtless dreams. Until then, I will have to make do with new episodes of television and Presidential debates, the former hopefully involving lots of male shirtlessness and the latter hopefully none. I'm very excited about Sunday and DH...
Yours in shirtlessness,