Continuing on my sporty theme of Summer 2010, I present Andy Roddick who is currently ranked eighth at Wimbeldon. As I did my research of Mr. Roddick, I noticed that he seems to play tennis without a shirt quite a bit. Thank you, Mr. Roddick, for leading the way in tennis. I will admit to feeling a little bit nostalgic for the days when everyone wore white on the tennis court, but as you know, I am willing to put aside my nostalgia for the sake of the cause.
This is the first year in many that I have not been in NYC for Pride, and I will say that I was sorry to miss perhaps the best weekend for shirtlessness in the city. I don't go to the parade, because parades are not fun for short people, but I have always enjoyed the shirtlessness in the streets that spontaneously happens on Pride weekend. I did, however, go to one of the many gorges in the Ithaca environs to check out the shirtlessness of the locals. It was not quite as exciting as I hoped, but the summer is still young. In any case, I was sorry to miss demonstrating my pride in my fabulous gay friends in person and send them all a shout out from upstate New York!
Summer sports continue to provide what the gorges cannot. I head into tech this evening, and will have little time for shirtlessness of any kind. But brave IMS members, please know that the cause is always in my mind. I leave you...
Yours in shirtlessness,