Friday, June 25, 2010

Birthday Shirtlessness

Yesterday was my birthday, and in honor of myself, I'm posting my touchstone, George Clooney. I know that the US is doing well in the World Cup, and True Blood has not disappointed on the shirtless front, but when push comes to shove, I will always take gorgeous George over everyone else. I'm sure he feels the same about me!

In spite of the fact that I experienced no shirtlessness yesterday, I still had a pretty fantastic birthday. There was cake, fine dining, wine, friends, music, laughter. Really good male shirtlessness was the only thing that was missing! I am going to see a show tonight, however, in which some of my La Mancha cast mates will remove their shirts, and given how many push-ups said cast mates have been doing in rehearsal, I suspect that the shirtlessness will be very good. In some ways, my birthday will just go on and on!

In the next year, I hope to continue the hard but groundbreaking work on behalf of the cause. Maybe next year, I'll have a shirtless birthday party. A girl can dream! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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