Monday, June 7, 2010

More Soccer Shirtlessness

I thought I would continue with the World Cup series. I know close to nothing about soccer, but I do know that players like to rip off their shirts upon making a goal. This seems like a sport that IMS can rally behind! So toady, I give you Carlton Cole from the UK team who apparently created quite a stir by posing for this photo. He was both shirtless and pantsless in it, but you all know how I feel about pantslessness. Given this photo, I certainly do hope he scores a goal sometime soon.

I returned from my high school reunion pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had. I don't think that I would really care to see any of my classmates shirtless at this point, but I will say that I was impressed with how fit and happy my class seemed. It was really a fun weekend of catching up and reminiscing, and I was so happy to be reminded of how much fun I actually had way back then.

Now that I'm back in New York, I am stressing about the upcoming workshop of my Jane Austen play which does not feature any shirtlessness but will feature me for the first time. After working and working on something for so long, it's almost terrifying to have the thing that I have been working for some to fruition. Am I ready? It's almost like imagining what would happen if good male shirtlessness became the norm. Am I ready to handle it? I guess these existential questions and others will be answered on Thursday evening. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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