Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Shirtlessness

I've never featured Mark Wahlberg before, which is odd since he seems to be shirtless a lot. His new film "The Fighter" promises to include lots of shirtlessness, making this holiday movie season quite promising. Who cares about Oscar buzz? Just take off your shirt!

I am pleased to report that "Love and Other Drugs" did deliver on its shirtless promise. Actually both Mr. Gyllenhaal and Ms. Hathaway spent a great deal of time semi-nude which made everyone in the audience, including the members of my little gang, very happy. Not only was there a lot of great shirtlessness, but the dialogue was pretty good too. I just like these two actors together and have since "Brokeback Mountain." They have really easy chemistry with each other which is so much fun to watch. While some of the other members of my party had qualms with various aspects of the writing, overall, we were pleasantly surprised by how we were engaged by this film. My only issue was trying to figure out how an early-onset Parkinson's patient with a tremor could have such amazing hair in every single frame. How I long for Anne Hathaway's hair person!

I will be headed to Buffalo for the holiday where my dad continues to insist the internet is not necessary, and so there will be no posts on Friday or Monday. But I will be back for some New year's shirtlessness and you will be too. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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