Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! Hey!

The New Year is looking very good to me. I have a play being produced in a week, 5 months of work ahead of me as an actor, and Daniel Sunjata has joined the cast of GA. I'm a happy girl!

The VP of IMS came over last night to watch the shows with me since I'll be away for the whole rest of the season, and we had a grand old time. He's decided that he can no longer watch B&S because the recycled storylines with Sally Field freaking out over her children have sent him over the edge. After last night's episode, I see his point. A sex scandal with Kitty is really too much. I'm all for women past the age of 35 having active sex lives, but really? Since they've sent Luc away, I know there is no hope of shirtlessness beyond Kitty's paramours, but this plot seems ridiculous. The only thing that saved the episode was Olivia asking Kevin and Scotty if they were gay. I'm glad that they might give ethnic child to Kevin and Scotty, but watch out Olivia! The last ethnic child on the show was made mysteriously mute - see Evan. I don't think I can watch this show anymore.

DH was only slightly more interesting. I will say that I enjoy the revenge plotlines that we have coming. Watching Lynette punish Tom for sleeping with Renee will be fun and wicked in the spirit of the old DH. I'm also prepping myself for Gabby's psychological break. Now if only there was someone on that show whose shirt I wanted to come off.

Finally, I read an article in the paper yesterday about President Obama's vacation and how he specifically did not want any shirtless pictures taken of him in Hawaii. I felt badly because I have posted shirtless pictures of him here. But seriously, he is the only President in my lifetime who could even entertain the option of being shirtless ever. I love Bill Clinton, but he should keep his shirt on. I can't help but think that perhaps after visiting a famous chicken wing place in Buffalo where one of the employees told him he was "a hottie with a smokin' little body," perhaps he is finished with being objectified. Since I'm from Buffalo, I feel a little bit badly about that too. In any case, I'm glad the press obeyed his wishes and hope that maybe next year he will feel differently. All the comments have not stopped Michelle from flashing her amazing arms. Just saying...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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