Last night I basically made a "Downton Abbey" sandwich with my one hour episode surrounded by two hours of Golden Globe coverage. I missed some good speeches, but alas, I could not have waited another minute for DA. Right before the show started, I crashed my computer which would normally turn me into a sobbing heap of nerves. Instead I calmly changed the channel and continued to unscrew the insides of my laptop as the opening credits rolled. Nothing comes between me and my DA - nothing!
Martin Luther King Day sneaked up on me this year. The 16th seems rather early for it, and so I had no idea that I did not have to work today nor did almost anyone else. Last year, I went to Dexter Avenue King Memorial Church in Montgomery and narrowly missed the newly inaugurated Governor's remarks that anyone who wasn't a Christian was "no brother or sister" of his. This year, I am happy to be in New York where religion seems to be a very small factor in whose brother or sister one may be. I hope we can keep trying to be each others' brothers and sisters regardless of race, creed, or religion in 2012 and continue the dream that Dr. King first articulated. Until then, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
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