Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I am not a regular viewer of "New Girl" but every time I catch the show, this man manages to take his shirt off during the episode.  I caught the Christmas episode on the plane ride home, and Max Greenfield appeared as a shirtless Santa (the very best kind!)  While this is not the best photo of Mr. Greenfield, I believe it captures the spirit of what makes his shirtlessness so charming - a sense of humor.  Some might call it a touch of whimsy.  Whatever it is, I suspect that I may have to tune into the show more often in 2013 since my once guaranteed sources of shirtlessness (DH & GA) have dried up.  I think I'll tell Sexy Santa that!  I like funny shirtlessness; humor ranks up there with kindness and water as wonderful accessories to good shirtlessness.

As we head into 2013, I ask all of you gentle readers to look into yourselves and choose your resolutions wisely.  While we all could spend more time on the cause, I do feel that this past year has offered no shortage of areas that we would all focus on to make the world a better place.  Sometimes, I can't believe how crazy the world is.  Perhaps this is how people in the Middle Ages would have felt had they any idea what was happening beyond the areas reachable by foot, but I take little comfort in thinking that we have returned to the Middle Ages.  More on resolutions on Monday, but I thought I should give you all the weekend to contemplate.  In the meantime, I hope your New Year's plans will include shirtlessness, either public or private, and that this final weekend of 2012 is filled with good cheer.  I continue to be...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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