In honor of soccer season, I give you the eternally shirtless David Beckham. He's not my favorite, but lots of people seem to enjoy him. He also seems to very much enjoy being shirtless. I worry that he may end up like Matthew McConnaughey, banned from this blog, but for now, I am going to allow him. Here's the thing - the VP of IMS told me last night that there is this thing in soccer called a "red card" that when you receive it, you have to leave the field but also take off your shirt. It's like a punishment for the player and a reward for the fans. I'm wondering if I can get this red card to hand out on the street. "Get out of my way, and take off your shirt." Why am I not a soccer fan I wonder?
I also need to post a shout out to everyone involved with "In the Heights." It was thrilling to watch this show win "Best Musical" at the Tony Awards last night. I am personally inspired to see so many people of color on the stage in an award winning show, and in fact in both shows that were considered as contenders for the award. "Passing Strange" also made a strong showing. Who knew it would take this long to bring ethnicity to Broadway? I am glad it has arrived! Hurrah!
Off to hand out red cards....
Yours in shirtlessness,
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